This course follows the Advanced Placement course of study. The programming language Java is utilized. Topics studies include program design and definition, input/output, data types, algorithm development, modularization, methods, arrays, sorting and searching. A main focus of the curriculum is object oriented design and developmtn. at the conclusion of htis course, students will apply their programming knowlege to develop web applications based on server side programming via the PHP language.
Summer Assignment
This assignment is due on the first day of class. In this assignment, students will be asked to solve two programming problems. The solutions to these problems are due on the first day of class. Click HERE for the assignment. Feel free to use the Unit 0: Review pages and problems for practice. Start today, don't delay :)
All programming in AP CS is coded using the Java language. We will work in the Eclipse environment. All software is free and instructions for downloading/installing the software on your system can be found HERE. Also, a primer in setting up Eclipse projects can be viewed HERE.