What is JQuery?
JQuery is a lightweight syntax for accessing JavaScript capabilities within a web page. The JQuery library takes more complex JavaScript code and wraps common tasks into methods that can then be called with a single line of code. Some of the simplified tasks include HTML/DOM/CSS manipulation, AJAX request and result handling, effects, animations and event handling.
Accessing JQuery
JQuery is an external library that needs to be included in each web page that uses its functionality. There are two schools of thought on how to do this. First, programmers can download (http://jquery.com/download/) and locally store a version of the library to include. The pros of this approach are that you can develop without a web connection and that you have control of where the library is. The big con of this approach is that the library can take some time to load and new users to your site will have to wait for it to download. The second option is to connect to a CDN (content delivery network). JQuery hosts one, as does Google. It is more beneficial to link to the Google version as many sites use this CDN, thus reducing download time due to a user's web cache. The Google JQuery CDN can be included into a web page using the following code:
This link is often added at the end of a page's code to lessen the loading time necessary for the page content. However, this means that all JQuery scripts must be placed below this include to be effective.
JQuery Selectors
While JQuery is a JavaScript library, it has some special syntax that needs to be learned. The syntax is designed to help developers access an element and apply an action to it. The basic syntax for implementation is:
The $ sign helps identify the code as JQuery. The selector is how the element to be selected is identified. Selectors include:
- $(document) - access the document
- $('tagname') - access all tags of a certain type
- $('.class') - access all elements assigned the chosen class
- $('#id') - access the element with the given id
- $('tag insidetag') - access all insidetag element that are contained in tag
- $(this) - access the current element
There are a variety of events that can be called from the above selectors. The most common events include:
- click
- change
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- ready
It is common practice to hold all JQuery actions until the entire document has been loaded. For this reason, all JQuery code is typically contained in the following structure:
Notice the use of the anonymous function inside the ready event. This is common practice in JQuery.
Other actions that are available in JQuery include:
- .html() - get or set the html content of an element
- .val() - get or set the value of an input element
- .attr('attr','val') - get or set the value of an element attribute
- .css('prop', 'val') - get or set the value of an elements css property
- .addClass('class') - add a class to an element
- .toggleClass('class') - toggle a class on and off on an element
- .removeclass('class') - remove a class from an element
Putting it all Together
Assume that we have the following html code:
This text is black.
To change the text to blue, we would write the following JQuery code: